Recursos para parteras y doulas

The hospital isn't the only way!
The hospital circumcision is the most well-known and commonly-practiced in the United States, however, gentler and more natural methods do exist - methods that many families will be happy and (in my experience) relieved, to hear about. Throughout my 11 years of performing home-based circumcisions for families of various faiths and backgrounds, I have realized that many families are repelled by the idea of submitting their tiny newborn to the cold efficiency of the hospital operating theatre. Such families actively seek out alternatives, which can be hard to find due to lack of publicity for alternative methods.
For that reason, I want to introduce you to my gentle, home-based circumcision service - a faster, more natural alternative that many families will feel at peace with.
A safe, fast and more caring alternative
Regardless of where you personally stand on the matter of circumcision, as a valued source of information and advice for families, it may interest you to hear about the unique, personalized and caring service I offer, so that you may share it as a hospital/clinic circumcision alternative for those families for whom this information will be welcomed.
I would love to meet you...
I would love a chance to meet with you and explain to you in person, how my circumcision method is faster, more loving and less traumatic to the child and to the parents than the traditional hospital route.
In the meantime, here is an outline of the main advantages of my circumcision approach:
1) In the comfort of home
I am able to circumcise babies in the warmth and comfort of familiar surroundings. After the procedure, they can go to their room or a quiet spot to nurse, without having to be strapped up in an uncomfortable car seat or taken out in the cold or heat.
2) Familiarity and Friendship
When your son is circumcised in hospital, you usually don't know in advance who will carry out the procedure. Many families I work with are reassured by the fact that they get to meet me beforehand and that I put a great deal of time and energy into explaining my method, answering questions and allaying fears.
3) Clearly Explained Procedure
The parents I work with are fully informed about what’s going to happen on the day. I take time to explain the entire procedure in advance of the event. I go through every detail of the procedure and even display diagrams so parents are empowered with all the information they need to feel confident, reassured and at ease. Of course, as questions and fears come up, I am able to address these too.
4) No unnecessary Vitamin K injection
As I circumcise after the eighth day, when a baby’s coagulation mechanism is fully-functional, I can offer the procedure without the added discomfort of administering a Vitamin K shot. This is considered an advantage by many families who want to reduce the baby’s discomfort as well as the unnecessary toxic dose of Vitamin K. In a classic hospital/clinic circumcision, vitamin K is always administered and hospitals refuse to carry out the procedure without it.
5) In loving arms
Instead of being strapped down to a board in a cold and clinical operating room, the baby nestles on a pillow cradled in the loving arms of a close relative. This is far less traumatic for the baby and his family than the typical hospital procedure.
6) Over in less than a minute
The Traditional Jewish circumcision, practiced successfully for thousands of years, is the fastest and least painful method for the baby. It is usually over in less than a minute. This is in stark contrast to hospital circumcision which typically takes 25-45 minutes or more!
7) More comfortable for baby (less traumatic for parents)
A traditional Jewish circumcision is less invasive than a hospital circumcision in many ways. You can learn more about the traditional method here. Traditional circumcision takes as little skin as possible and involves far less cutting, pulling and stretching than the hospital procedure. Overall, it is faster, more comfortable for the baby and tends to heal rapidly.
8) No ring
After the traditional circumcision, the wound is dressed with a light bandage and that’s it. No uncomfortable ring is necessary. The wound heals naturally and rapidly. I give the family plenty of guidance on how to keep the wound clean as well as how to keep the baby comfortable over the ensuing days. Usually a baby is back to himself after a day or two and completely recovered after a week. There is rarely any need to return to the hospital or for any further interventions.
9) More meaningful
Those families with strong religious or spiritual beliefs enjoy the spiritual element I am able to weave into the circumcisions service. I strive to imbue the process with meaning and spirituality keeping the atmosphere calm, caring and loving throughout. I offer families the chance to say a prayer for the well-being of the baby and his family which any find meaningful and inspiring. Some families appreciate my Jewish background and the devotion I bring to this work, which I consider a calling.
10) After-care
I make myself available to the family both before and after for questions, support and advice. I usually stay in touch afterwards and consider the families as friends!
I would love to hear from you! Call or email me.
Acerca de mí
Soy el rabino Gadi Levy. Hace unos 15 años, sentí el llamado a convertirme en mohel (experto en circuncisión judía) y realicé una formación exhaustiva en las técnicas tradicionales probadas que se han utilizado con éxito en las circuncisiones judías durante siglos. Después de certificarme como mohel, continué investigando las mejores técnicas para la circuncisión infantil. Mi objetivo ha sido encontrar la forma más rápida, suave y amable de realizar una circuncisión.
Si bien comprendo que hay muchos que no están de acuerdo y están firmemente en contra de la circuncisión infantil, hay quienes desean un procedimiento de circuncisión para su hijo y busco ofrecerles un procedimiento que sea rápido, afectuoso y lo más amoroso posible.

Al igual que yo, seguramente valoras la relación personal que desarrollas con las familias con las que trabajas. No me considero simplemente un cirujano que realiza un procedimiento médico frío, sino un amigo de la familia del recién nacido.
Me esfuerzo por hacer que la circuncisión sea significativa y alegre para toda la familia.
A diferencia de un procedimiento tradicional en un hospital o clínica, me esfuerzo por pasar tiempo con los padres antes de la circuncisión. Quiero que comprendan bien el procedimiento y también escuchar las preguntas o temores que puedan tener. Quiero que los padres confíen en mis habilidades y también les doy la oportunidad de sentirse cómodos conmigo.
Considero que cada circuncisión es una oportunidad para celebrar, de manera significativa, el nacimiento de un precioso niño. Me siento privilegiada de poder hacer lo que hago. Tengo fuertes vínculos con cada una de las familias con las que trabajo y con cada uno de los preciosos bebés que he tenido el privilegio de conocer.