Mi Asociación de Circuncisión en el Hogar

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Tender Gifts Midwifery serves the Northern Colorado community as well as the southern Wyoming community, as an ultimate resource for Natural Birthing. Founded by Althea Hrdlichka an innovative Certified Professional Midwife, Tender Gifts Midwifery have led the way in empowering mothers towards choosing a birth process that works for them. Over the years I have developed a close relationship with Althea and her team. My Home Circumcision has become the default address for parents who wish to circumcise. Over the past year, I have been meeting parents at the birthing center and performing circumcisions at the center. Being that the Tender Gifts Birth Center is in its strategic location, I have been able to meet and service families coming in from Wyoming, Nebraska, and anywhere in the Northern Colorado area.
The team at Tender Gifts appreciates my approach to circumcision, my compassion, and my sensitivity. It is no wonder that we have worked so well together over the past few years.